'If you are going to be an artist, you must be ashamed of nothing but to be ashamed.'
Welcome to the George Moore Association
Dedicated to the study of Moore's life and works
As a writer, Moore was a transitional, boundary-crossing figure
From the 19th to the 20th century
Across Ireland, France, and the UK
From naturalism to modernism
From the novel to precursors of 'personal nonfiction'
From sole authorship to collaborative forms of social authorship
From hetero to polyvalent sexualities
There's more, much more
to learn about George Moore...

We are delighted to invite you to George Moore: Back in Dublin Again. This is a free-entry event which is open to the public. We look forward to welcoming you and we trust that you will support the work of the GMA by your generous donations on the day, and by joining the society that promotes Moore’s writing and supports young scholars.
To register for free attendance, please send the message ‘I look forward to attending the event on 21st March’, together with your name and contact details to georgemooreassociation@gmail.com
Please go to the 'News' section for the programme details and free registration.